Holland Groves Schneller & Stolze LLC was named interim liaison counsel today by the Honorable David Herndon in the Southern District of Illinois federal court for the litigation now pending in that district against Well Fargo and other defendants arising from the forced placed insurance practices of the defendants. Forced placed insurance was one of the practices at the forefront of the national mortgage meltdown and crisis and involves the placement by the lenders and certain insurance companies of insurance on borrowers at inflated costs. Cases are pending across the country against most all of the major lenders and their partner insurance companies because of forced placed insurance. The litigation in the Southern District of Illinois, East St. Louis Division, is one of the leading cases regarding these practices. HGSS will serve in the leadership of the case along with several high caliber firms also involved in forced placed insurance nationally including Kessler Topaz, Berger Montague, Levin Fishbein Sedran & Berman, Cates Mahoney, and Nix Patterson.
Holland Groves has been at the leading edge of mortage and financial litigation over the last several years including the settlement of a mortgage case against Bank of America valued at $20 million earlier this year. For additional information regarding forced placed insurance or other financial fraud and abuse cases, please contact the firm: info@hollandtriallawyers.com.